How Many Eggs Do Java Sparrows Lay?

How Many Eggs Do Java Sparrows Lay

Java Sparrows or Java finches are native to Java, Bali, and a few other parts of Indonesia. Because of this bird’s beautiful appearance, bird enthusiasts are often curious about keeping and breeding them. And that makes many people wonder how many eggs do Java Sparrows lay?

The female Java Sparrows lay 3-4 clutches per year. And each clutch contains 4 to 8 eggs. That means female Java Sparrows can lay around 24-28 eggs in each breeding season. The incubation period after laying the eggs lasts 14-15 days. After that, both parents feed their offspring for 3-4 weeks.

But can you breed Java Sparrows in captivity? What to expect from it? If you want to know more, I urge you to read the full article.

Java Sparrows Breeding Info At A Glance

Breeding Info
Breeding SeasonSpring (any time in captivity)
Maturity Age6-8 months
Courtship BehaviorThe male would carry a piece of straw to the female, bow in front of her, and sing or click his bills.
Mating SystemMonogamous and monochromatic
Nestling Period5 Weeks
Nest TypeBuilt of dried grass and other plants with coarse material and usually a little deep
Number Of Clutches Per Year3 to 4 clutches
Number Of Eggs In Each Clutch4 to 8 eggs
Incubation Period14-15 days
Parental CareBoth parent Java Sparrows take turns incubating the eggs and feeding the babies afterward.
Weaning21-30 days

Java Sparrows Breeding

The number of eggs Java Sparrows lay is not always the same. But how many eggs do Java Sparrows lay? Well, I already said that in short. But understanding how this bird species’ breeding works will help you understand everything better.

Breeding Season And Courtship

Generally, the months after the rainy season, which is Spring, are considered to be the breeding season for Java Sparrows. However, if you want to breed them in captivity, you can do it any time of the year only if you offer them the right environment.

While some Java Sparrows sexually mature at 5-6 months, depending on the environment, some may mature at 8-12 months of age. A behavioral study on Java Sparrows shows that these birds are Monogamous and monochromatic. So they mate with multiple partners over the mating seasons.

Clutch Size And Number Of Eggs

Java Sparrow’s clutch size depends on various factors, such as Java’s age, environment, food habits, care, etc. On top of that, young Java Sparrows usually have a smaller clutch size than adult ones.

Nevertheless, most of them lay up to 4 clutches every year. And each clutch contains up to 8 eggs. Java Sparrows lay these eggs in their nest which is made of dried grass, leaves, and coarse materials and they are usually a little so that the eggs can be safe.

Incubating And Weaning

The incubation period is around 13 to 15 days. And during this time, both parents take turns incubating the eggs until they are hatched. After that, the parents feed their babies by hunting for food. This weaning period lasts 3 to 4 weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How to tell if the Java Sparrow is male or female?

The easiest way to identify male and female Java Sparrows is by their size. The male ones have slightly larger and redder beaks. They are also better singers than the females. The circles around their eyes are also slightly thicker than the female Java Sparrows.

Q. How do Java Sparrows mate?

Before mating, the Java Sparrows perform courtship where the male bird sings and both male and female Java Sparrows perform a kind of duet dance. Sometimes, the male Javas will take a piece of straw to the female to impress her.

Q. Are Java Sparrows endangered?

Yes, Java Sparrows are considered endangered due to the rise of other wild animals. On top of that, many Java Sparrows are captured and traded due to their beautiful appearance.

Final Words

So, for anyone who is wondering, what is the average number of eggs laid by Java Sparrows? The answer is, they lay up to 8 eggs in each clutch. But the clutch size always depends on the bird’s age, environment, breeding style, and other factors. That is why I would say it is okay to not get a similar number each time.

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